AllDigital Specialty is proud to offer Management Liability protection for small business through AXIS, a world-class A rated carrier.
AllDigital Specialty also offers Excess Management Liability – Excess D&O, EPL, Fiduciary and Excess Side A D&O and will re-launch with A rated carriers per client demand.
Follow-Form Excess Management Liability featuring limits up to $5m per coverage part with a broadened underwriting appetite for Private and Non-Profit companies with up to $250m in Revenue and up to 250 Full Time Employees in all 50 states. We can seamlessly offer excess layers above both the AllDigital AXIS and AllDigital Lloyds Primary Management Liability programs as well as other carriers’ primary Management Liability policies.
Our Technology
Current Insurance Products

Director’s and Officer’s Liability
Protects the directors and officers of an organization for claims made against them or the company alleging errors or omissions in carrying out their respective corporate responsibilities as D&Os.

Employment Practices Liability
Protects the management and an organization for claims made against them alleging wrongful employment practices, including harassment, discrimination, or retaliation.

Fiduciary Liability
Protects the management and an organization for claims made against them alleging violations of their fiduciary responsibilities with respect to an employee benefit plan.

Excess Follow Form
Follow-Form Excess D&O, EPL, FID and Excess Side A D&O provides increased limits of liability in excess of existing Management Liability program.
Non-Admitted Primary Management Liability
Primary Management Liability on Lloyds of London A-Rated Paper
AllDigital Specialty also offers primary D&O, EPL and Fiduciary coverage through Lloyds of London A-Rated (Non-Admitted) paper. This product will focus on risks that are ineligible for our AllDigital AXIS (Admitted) primary management liability product and has a broader appetite – up to $5M per coverage part for Private and Non-Profit companies with up to $250m in revenues and up to 250 Full Time Employees in all 50 states.